Inking the Jeff Way: Part 1 — Pencils to Blueline

Jan 14, 2013   //   by no no   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Fore­word: I have been ink­ing comics for about 7 years most­ly as a hob­by, and as a way to be involved

in the com­ic book pro­duc­tion here at Alba­tross Comics. I am by no means a com­pe­tent com­ic penciler,

and, as oth­ers who work with Alba­tross know, writ­ing is not some­thing that comes easy for me. Oh Gad

does it not come easy. So I went with ink­ing see­ing as who I was always good at repro­duc­ing images

in my youth, and no, I didn’t trace that Spi­der-Man in 10th grade art Chris. I repro­duced it. It’s always

rel­a­tive­ly easy to look at a draw­ing and recre­ate it at about 60–80% as good as the original…which for

some­one who wasn’t an artist and want­ed to be, it was a good pride build­ing exer­cise. Read more »

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Guilty Conscience

This is the debut comic from Alba­tross enter­tain­ment. A one shot detec­tive story.